Dove Season

The 2018 North Texas Dove season is shaping up to be a rough one. Drought conditions across the area have farmers taking a loss on their milo crops and harvesting them in July as round bale feed for cattle this winter. Normally these crops are harvested in mid-August, leaving ample food on the ground for Dove, and drawing those Dove into the fields well into September for Dove season.

With the early harvest, the birds still get a food supply, they're just eating away at it 4-5 weeks sooner. So by September 1st, many of these fields will be picked clean and/or turned over by the farmer prepping for the Fall rain and planting of a winter crop.

For those fields being groomed for Sunflower, the lack of rain has left the fields with stunted Sunflower growth. Early Sunflower blooms have begun to wilt and drop seed.

We share that information with you, as any responsible outfitter should. No reason to make false promise of an outstanding Dove hount just to lure a hunters money out of their pocket and into ours, only to blame the crops and weather when September 1st rolls around. So for 2018, we will be foregoing Dove lease sales of any kind.

We hope that those Dove hunters that have hunted with us in the past, and those that may hunt with us in the future, appreciate our honesty. We understand that we represent only ourselves with our decision, and that other outfitters in the North Texas area may have access to land that may provide exceptional Dove hunting in 2018. If you are fortunate enough to book a day or season hunt with one of these outfitters, we wish you all the best in this upcoming season. We encourage you to scout well with any outfitter, and lay eyes on the fields you'll be hunting before you make a purchase. An informed decision is always the best decision.

Good Hunting,
DFW Hunt

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